Main ingredients: 

Hey! I’m back with one of my favorite fusion recipes this time. It has tea and kulfi in it… An easy guess or a tough one?

If we talk about India, everybody loves tea here, and majority of people love kulfi too! As a fun fact I must tell you that almost every Indian household craves for morning tea, and they also want tea as an accompaniment with their evening snacks.

Tea is not just a drink, but an emotion for people in India, and trust that’s not an exaggeration. Tea has the magical taste to make anyone a fan! So much that it has become a part of our life.

On the other hand, kulfi is one of the most popular form of traditional ice-creams. Kids love it a lot and even adults enjoy having it. Most of the people make it at home as well because it is to prepare with fewer ingredients.

Summers are meant to try new ice cream and dessert recipes for foodies. And so I thought why not share something creative and easy to cook with you guys. Today’s recipe is the ultimate amalgamation of tea and kulfi. It’s called Masala Chai Kulfi.    

So, now it’s time for the recipe.

Step #1. Preparing the tea / chai

Take one litre full fat milk in a pot and boil it. Next add 1 tablespoon tea leaves and mix it in the milk as it boils. The mixing process goes on until you can clearly see the color of tea. You can also turn the burner ON and OFF a few times during the mixing process to avoid over boiling.

The above process will take 3-4 minutes more before the color of tea shows up clearly.

Step #2. Purifying the tea for an amazing kulfi 

Now, put a strainer on the top of a jar and pour the tea from the pot through the strainer to the jar. It will completely filter the tea and the flavor will stay.

Next, the tea has to be poured in a pot again and you need to boil it again.

After some time, add ¾ cup sweetened condensed milk to the tea and boil it. Keep cooking it until it becomes a bit thick. After a few minutes of boiling, 3 teaspoon tea/chai masala to the tea and mix it nicely for a few more minutes.

Step #3. Finally, freeze it…

Once it is done, keep it cool down for some time. You will notice that it has become thick after cooling. Then pour the tea to the kulfi molds and deep freeze them for six to seven hours for best results.

After this, you can check on them and you will see that your masala chai kulfi is ready.

I hope you liked this fusion recipe, keep an eye on this space for more such amazing recipes and I wish you all the luck if you’re going to try this recipe at home.

Happy cooking!   

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